Read below to find out how we can help your company hire and manage teams better
Our approach to hiring is based on 25 years of academic research into the best predictors of successful hiring: verified relevant experience, cognitive ability and structured interview questions
Flexhire is a global marketplace, giving you the ability to hire the right talent for your team locally or from anywhere in the world. Our system instantly matches you with triple-screened, highly qualified professionals, ensuring that you only see the best. Every candidate has their communication skills, references and technical abilities verified before they are approved.
Flexhire has powerful tools that allow you to hire however you want. Filter according to budget, position type (contract or permanent) or job location (search within a given distance of your office, or set a timezone range). If you want to hire remote and freelance, we also provides the tools to make that simple. Contract management, work report tracking and approval, automated invoicing, tax compliance tools, global payment processing, reporting tools and more are all part of the platform at no extra cost.
Our entire system is free until you make a hire. Once you've found someone you like, our fees are built into the hourly rates you see, so there are no surprise costs to you or your talent.
It’s tough to find experienced Android engineers at a reasonable rate. Flexhire solved that for us and I would not hesitate to recommend them.
Flexhire is a new breed of technology recruitment agency. They helped us cut through the confusion and complexity of hiring the right developer for our needs, and have accelerated the growth of our business significantly.
Flexhire found us an amazing CTO as well as a full technology team at an incredibly competitive price. We highly recommend their service to anyone trying to quickly establish an experienced world class technology team with the least amount of hassle.
In our search for software engineering and digital design talent, we discovered Flexhire. They connected us quickly and easily to exceptional developers and designers and we’ve never looked back. We continue to use their service and I recommend them to anyone.
Flexhire found us an experienced developer in a very short time. He was integrated into our team and productive on his first day, and has been a valuable member of the team ever since. I’m looking forward to working with Flexhire to expand our team even further.
Martin has been a great asset to our team, and is a really strong Java engineer. The guys at Flexhire get it, and have a huge bench of strong, experienced engineers. I recommend them without hesitation.
It’s tough to find experienced Android engineers at a reasonable rate. Flexhire solved that for us and I would not hesitate to recommend them.
Flexhire is a new breed of technology recruitment agency. They helped us cut through the confusion and complexity of hiring the right developer for our needs, and have accelerated the growth of our business significantly.
Flexhire found us an amazing CTO as well as a full technology team at an incredibly competitive price. We highly recommend their service to anyone trying to quickly establish an experienced world class technology team with the least amount of hassle.
In our search for software engineering and digital design talent, we discovered Flexhire. They connected us quickly and easily to exceptional developers and designers and we’ve never looked back. We continue to use their service and I recommend them to anyone.
Flexhire found us an experienced developer in a very short time. He was integrated into our team and productive on his first day, and has been a valuable member of the team ever since. I’m looking forward to working with Flexhire to expand our team even further.
Martin has been a great asset to our team, and is a really strong Java engineer. The guys at Flexhire get it, and have a huge bench of strong, experienced engineers. I recommend them without hesitation.
It’s tough to find experienced Android engineers at a reasonable rate. Flexhire solved that for us and I would not hesitate to recommend them.
Flexhire is a new breed of technology recruitment agency. They helped us cut through the confusion and complexity of hiring the right developer for our needs, and have accelerated the growth of our business significantly.
Flexhire found us an amazing CTO as well as a full technology team at an incredibly competitive price. We highly recommend their service to anyone trying to quickly establish an experienced world class technology team with the least amount of hassle.
Join our existing fortune 500 and venture backed startup customers saving time and money and executing faster than their competition by managing their on-demand contractor/freelance workforce using our mobile first cloud based enterprise software.
Quick, simple and safe onboarding, background checks, enterprise contract management and 1099 taxation processing means we take away the headaches to getting your team working.
Our streamlined, enterprise work report tracking and structured feedback system makes it easy to build,manage and scale agile high performant teams. Whether your team is local, fully distributed or hybrid, our software makes management simple and effective.
Flexhire lets you automate payment processing for any or all of your team and massively simplifies your payroll process. Pay your whole team with a single click, no matter where they are in the world.